After two loan cycles, a Mutahid client sees his metalworks business expand

Story of Mauladad Mauladad, a resident of Kabul province, is a metal smith, who puts his creativity into making electric appliances, such as cooler, boiler, fans, heater and many other...

Getting ahead of “graduation”

THE STORY OF SALEHA With eight children, Saleha, 34, and her husband were struggling to make ends meet with his meager daily wage income. “My husband worked as a farm...

Sound business ideas coming to fruition

Story of Mohammad Ali - A Microfinance Client Since returning from Iran after the Taliban regime collapsed, Mohammad Ali has been trying his hand at various businesses to support his...

TUP builds resilience of poorest Afghan women

The Story Of Zeba When Zeba was in her early 30s, she had her hands full taking care of her five children, while her husband earned a living as a...

Turning ambition into profitable artistry

The Story of Shamayel With four school-aged children, the eldest being 15 years old and the youngest at three years, Shamayel is determined to use her sewing and embroidery skills...

Escaping from crippling poverty

The Story Of Saleha Saleha and her family had already been living in poverty in Balkh province, but life took a turn for the worst when her husband got badly...

Transforming a barren land into a sapling industry

Story of Sayed Mohammad Sayed Mohammad and his wife, a school-teacher, were making ends meet as a couple, living in the third istrict of Badakhshan province: Guzar Mohmmad Rahim-bay village....

Banking on her savings, a widow plans daughters’ future

THE STORY OF MASOOMA Masooma, a 55-year old widow, used to rely completely on the earnings sent by her husband, who worked as a daily wage laborer in Iran. But...

A widow overcomes the odds

The Story of Arefa Arefa, 55, is a widow from Shinwari village in the Sayed Khail district of Parwan province. Since the death of her husband and the marriage of...

Breaking boundaries: An Afghan woman in shoe-making

The Story of Habiba Like many Afghans, Habiba, 30, was seeking relief from poverty. The mother of four was struggling to make ends meet. The remittance of Habiba’s husband from...