Mutahid’s Murabaha Product (Individual & Group) Case Study

From Hopeless to Hopeful

Hamar Gul, her husband Mohammed Esa, and their five young children were poor but were content and coping with the income of Mohammed, who was a stone miner in Badakhshan....

Overcoming tragedy upon tragedy

First, Hafiza lost her husband to a fatal illness. Not long after the tragedy of his passing, her widow daughter died leaving Hafiza the responsibility of earning a living to...

A woman’s access to finance increases access to maternity services

After completing an intensive two-year specialty course in maternity care, Naazi Amani realized her ambition to establish a clinic for pregnant women needing obstetric services. Download Full Story

Weaving carpets to save her ailing daughter’s life

Microfinance clients are usually motivated by their hopes for better quality of life for the entire family. For Kobra Mirzayee, it’s different. Download Full Story

A Loan Officer Becomes the Borrower

Three years ago, Mastoora was working as a Loan Officer for a microfinance institution (MFI), helping Afghan women with microenterprises take a loan to start or expand their businesses. Download...

Agriculture loan helps change norms and mindsets

At only 40 years old, Elaha bears an older woman’s wrinkled face, which betrays the hardships she had endured for many years. But life for this mother of nine children,...

Overcoming Tragedy

The mud-house which Mir Afroz lives in with her three children tells the story of a family whose life is steeped in tragedy and poverty. Download Full Story

Finding hope in a hobby: A woman transforms her clients, and her life

As a cultural practice and as a coping mechanism, Afghan families, especially those with very limited resources, betroth and marry off their young daughters to gain social capital. Like many...

From Shoe-polisher to Restaurateur and Property Developer

Nabi was not quite ten years old and was enrolled in fourth grade when his family decided to escape the deadly war that prevailed in Afghanistan for decades. After moving...