Chief Financial Officer (MISFA/0238) | ||
Organization: | MISFA | |
Location: | Kabul | |
Duration: | Permanent | |
No. of Post: | One | |
Nationality: | National/International | |
Date Announced: | July 7, 2022 | |
Closing Date: | July 26, 2022 | |
The Chief Financial Officer is a key position within MISFA’s Management structure. S/he is responsible for helping to maintain the financial health of the Organization as directed by the Managing Director. In addition, s/he contributes to the creation and implementation of organizational strategies, policies and practices. The Chief Financial Officer reports to the Managing Director. To read the full document, Click here. | ||
REOI-Transformation of Conventional Lending to Shariah-Compliant Lending
Keeping in line with the changing market environment, MISFA has also decided to transform fully its operations to Shariah-compliant approach. MISFA is looking for a specialized and expert consultancy firm that can carry out this assignment. Please, click here for more details. Contract Notification Award This is to declare that MISFA will award the contract of TUP consumption Survey in Balkh province to Afghan Management and Marketing Consultants (AMMC). Please, read more details here. Amendment No. 1 to the bidding documents reference number MISFA/AFP/G40 With reference to this “Amendment to the bidding documents” the bid submission deadline and the bid opening date of this bidding, reference number MISFA/AFP/G40 dated February 04, 2021 is extended from February 28, 2021 at 02:00 PM to March 10, 2021 at 02:00PM. Pleas, click here to avail the full document. Access to Finance Project-Evaluation Consultant Under the sub-component (i) of Access to Finance Project; MISFA has managed a Capacity Building Fund and provided grants to the partner financial institutions as part of its a) system strengthening, and b) innovation windows. The Evaluation Consultant who will be reporting to Director of Program is expected to conduct an evaluation. To read more, click here. Urban TUP Project – Impact Evaluation Consultant Under subcomponent (ii) MISFA has completed the implementation of the TUP project in six provinces targeting a total of 7,500 ultra-poor households and the implementation of the TUP project targeting a total of 5,198 households is in progress in Parwan and Nangarhar provinces. Distribution of productive livestock has been the primary input provided to the beneficiaries. To assess the feasibility of non-livestock asset; 80 ultra-poor households living in urban areas of Nangarhar province (urban beneficiaries) are provided with non-livestock asset. The main purpose of this consulting assignment is to report on and discuss the project’s impact on the livelihood of the urban beneficiaries and against the inputs provided to investment made on the 80 urban beneficiaries. For further details, click here.
IBF- Invitation for Bids for Procurement of Customer Biometric Servers, Fingerprint Scanner Devices and Relevant Software/Hardware for Mutahid DFI (Five Lots) MISFA is inviting the eligible bids for the devices listed above. For further details, please refer to the document.
IBF- Invitation for Bids for Procurement of Server Machines, Firewall, Server Rack, Windows Server, Microsoft Office & Other IT Equipment for MISFA (Four Lots) MISFA is inviting the eligible bids for the devices listed above. For further details, please, refer to the document.
IBF-Invitation for Bids for Procurement of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software for MISFA MISFA is inviting the eligible bids for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. For further details; please, refer to the document. |