
From Breadwinner to Business Woman

When Del Jan, 54, returned home to Kabul from Pakistan with her husband and children 12 years ago, she was full of hope. She had been looking forward to the...

Getting ahead of “graduation”

THE STORY OF SALEHA With eight children, Saleha, 34, and her husband were struggling to make ends meet with his meager daily wage income. “My husband worked as a farm...

A widow overcomes the odds

The Story of Arefa Arefa, 55, is a widow from Shinwari village in the Sayed Khail district of Parwan province. Since the death of her husband and the marriage of...

The synergy of ambition and access to finance paid off

The story of Sayed Amanullah Sayed Amanullah, 33, the breadwinner of a family of seven, started out with a tiny shop in his neighborhood, supplying household fuel such as gas,...

Hopeful for a better future

The story of  Shah Gul Shah Gul, a 38-year old Afghan woman, and her husband have been struggling for many years to make ends meet for their family of eight children...

A childhood memory inspires an idea

Story of Zahra Khadem Hussain It was a memory from her childhood, a sweet moment of her as a young girl playing grown-up with her mother’s sewing machine, that gave...

Clicking her way to success

Story of Maryam Yousufi Maryam Yousufi, a 29-year old Afghan woman, runs a photography studio in the Hala Chapan area of Mazar-i-Sharif. Maryam learnt and started practicing photography in Iran...

Empowered by embroidery

Rozma, 48 years old and a native of Maidan Wardak, has come a long way since her family moved to Kabul only to escape Taliban-ruled Afghanistan in the late 1990s....